Discover everything about the subject in the following topics: What is Google Data Studio? What is Google Data Studio for? Why is it worth Business Email List using Google Data Studio? How does Google Data Studio work? Tutorial: how to use Google Data Studio in version 2021? Continue reading that this post promises and delivers! What is Google Data Studio? Google Data Business Email List Studio is a free tool for creating beautiful, customizable, interactive and responsive dashboards that allows you to: create your own dashboards using templates with the most diverse graphs, maps and tables; apply your Business Email List brand identity; use various other resources.
All in a friendly and intuitive way, so that anyone can create and understand the reports. Google Data Studio is a Business Intelligence (BI) tool , that is, Business Business Email List Intelligence, which transforms raw data into strategic information Business Email List for companies. Through data visualization, Google Data Studio collects metrics and indicators that support decision-making and Business Email List strategy direction, so companies take less risk and increase the chances of achieving their goals. Google Data Studio is part of the Google Marketing Platform Toolkit, which has several platforms to help Business Email List with marketing for small and large businesses.
If you're interested, you can see an example of a type of report you can generate in Google Data Studio, with Google Ads for eCommerce metrics. Click and Business Email List interact with it or, if you want, use it as a template to create your dashboard! Google DataStudio What is Google Data Studio for? Google Data Studio can be used in the most diverse areas of a company. After all, Business Business Email List Intelligence must permeate all areas and be present in the daily life of teams. In this post we focus on marketing and the need to work with data at all times to understand the market , plan better Business Email List strategies and optimize campaigns.