The roller coaster year is about to end. As always, I wanted to USA Phone Number List put together some of my favorite posts during this time. This collection of posts (and a single podcast) is a celebration of the writers who worked hard to teach, inspire, and entertain us every week. It's also a USA Phone Number List manifesto of what we want to be in 2017. The vision for 2017 is as follows: Year of personal voice Community year Year of a real human writer Here are some of my favorite Copyblogger posts from 2016. There is only one episode of the podcast ... Blog revival Bryan Clark concludes the 2016 unemployed podcast. Darren Rose is our old and dear friend, a symbol of ethical and human-centered authority.
Darren and Brian talk about USA Phone Number List how a "business blog" became "content marketing", what they lost along the way, and how to get it back. Blog is back with Darren Rowse Pay bills, bills, bills Copy bloggers have always been a site for writers, and we have a special place in USA Phone Number List our hearts for freelancers, the early pioneers of the "Gig Economy" who live in its fascinating edge where stress is free to change. I'm waiting. Here are just a few of the posts I made this year on how to create words and lead a better life. If you want to generate business with content, you must first generate traffic.
5 Ways to Increase Traffic With Content Marketing Why is USA Phone Number List it so difficult for you to charge something of value? Pamela Wilson shares some ideas: are you cheap or exceptional? How to price the service Are you leaving money at the table? If you write to make a USA Phone Number List living, the answer is probably yes . Kelly Excelter can help: four places where writers leave money on the table Beth Hayden is writing a lot of powerful, action-oriented content this year to improve your writing income. Here's one example